Tuesday, June 26, 2012

fun fact of Japan vs Indonesia

Jepang dan Indonesia

1. Ketika di kendaraan umum:
Jepang: penumpang nya pada baca buku atau tidur.
Indonesia: penumpang nya pada ngobrol, ngegosip, ketawa-ketiwi cekikikan, ngelamun, dan tidur.

2. Ketika makan dikendaraan umum:
Jepang: Sampah sisa makanan disimpan ke dalam saku celana atau dimasukkan ke dalam tas, kemudian baru dibuang setelah nemu tong sampah.
Indonesia: Dengan wajah tanpa dosa, sampah sisa makanan dibuang gitu aja di kolong bangku/dilempar ke luar jendela.

3. Ketika dikelas:
Jepang: Yang kosong adalah bangku kuliah paling belakang.
Indonesia: Yang kosong adalah bangku kuliah paling depan.

4. Ketika dosen memberikan kuliah:
Jepang: Semua mahasiswa mendengarkan dengan serius.
Indonesia: Tengok ke kiri, ada yang ngobrol. Tengok ke kanan, ada yg baca komik. Tengok ke belakang, pada tidur. Cuma barisan depan aja yang anteng dengerin, itu pun karena duduk pas di depan hidung dosen!

5. Ketika diberi tugas oleh dosen:
Jepang: Hari itu juga siang atau malemnya langsung nyerbu perpustakaan atau browsing internet buat cari data.
Indonesia: Kalau masih ada hari esok, ngapain dikerjain hari ini!

6. Ketika terlambat masuk kelas:
Jepang: Memohon maaf sambil membungkukkan badan 90 derajat, dan menunjukkan ekspresi malu dan menyesal gak akan mengulangi lagi.
Indonesia: Slonong boy & slonong girl masuk gitu aja tanpa bilang permisi ke dosen sama sekali.

7. Ketika dijalan raya:
Jepang: Mobil sangat jarang (kecuali di kota besar). Padahal jepang kan negara produsen mobil terbesar di dunia, mobilnya pada ke mana ya?
Indonesia: Jalanan macet, sampai-sampai orang susah nyebrang & sering keserempet motor yg jalannya ugal-ugalan.

8. Ketika jam kantor:
Jepang: Jalanan sepiiiii banget, kayak kota mati.
Indonesia: Ada Oknum pake seragam coklat2 (PNS dll) pada keluyuran di mall-mall.

9. Ketika buang sampah:
Jepang: Sampah dibuang sesuai jenisnya. Sampah organik dibuang di tempat sampah khusus organik, sampah non organik dibuang di tempat sampah non organik.
Indonesia: Mau organik kek, non organik kek, bangke binatang, semuanya tumplek jadi satu dalam kantong kresek. (make it simple)

10. Ketika berangkat kantor or kampus:
Jepang: Berangkat naik kereta/bus kota. Mobil cuma dipakai saat acara liburan keluarga atau acara yang bersifat mendesak aja.
Indonesia: Gengsi dooonk... Masa naik umum? demi prestige maksain bawa kendaraan pribadi!

11. Ketika janjian ketemu:
Jepang: semuanya datang tepat pada jam yg disepakati.
Indonesia: Salah satu pihak pasti ada dibiarkan sampai berjamur & karatan gara-gara kelamaan nunggu!

12. Ketika berjalan dipagi hari:
Jepang: Orang-orang pada jalan super cepat.
Indonesia: Nyantai aja lah! Si boss juga pasti datangnya telat!

ntar masih kita update lagi ok..

Monday, June 18, 2012

the reason of why

It’s not easy to be me…

I’m just out to find the better part of me, i wish that i could cry fall upon my knees, found a way to lie bout a home I’ll never see…
it may sound absurd, but don’t be naive… even mans have the rights to bleed… i may be disturbed, but won’t you concede… even mans have the rights to dream…

it’s not easy to be me…

I'm only a man in a silly red sheet, digging for kryptonite on this one way street...  only a man looking in a funny red sheet, looking for special things inside of me... yeah inside of me... I'm only a man in funny red sheet, I'm only a man looking for a dream... I'm only a man in funny red sheet, and its not easy to be me.

Those man who cry, they don’t do it because they’re weak, they do it because they’ve been strong for too damn long…
I think that’s the meaning behind this song, that even the strong need defenders, perhaps even more!
because they carry so many burdens.

I have an incurable illness, (but i know who can make my heart keep beating…)

I know what it’s like to not have people understand how painful it is to be strong, (but i know that my life will be more lovely if you stand by my side for better or worse and till death do us part…)

I have been in up and down, hard and easy life, (but it means nothing if i keep flying alone without you…

I only have a half of wing but still can fly everywhere, (I need the other half of wing that belong to her...)

It’s not easy to live a life with me, (only you who can make my heart keep beating, stand by my side and flying together side by side in any situation…)

it's not easy to be me...


Monday, June 4, 2012

Dreams from GOD

day 1 is:
nothing, just an empty dream.

day 2 is:
mom saw an extra ordinary fish, and it's a very big fish in blue crystallize fish scales.

day 3 is:
dad is singing "and i love you so"
- here is the lyrics...

& I LOVE U so, That people ask me how
How I've lived 'til now, I tell them I don't know
(this part is describing the journey of the man's love and life)

I guess they understand, How lonely life has been
But life began again, The day you took my hand
(this part is about what others people thought)

And yes, I know how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me, and the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down, Now that you're around me
(this part is how the man struggle and survive till the end)
& U LOVE ME too, Your thoughts are just for me
You set my spirits free, I'm happy that you do
(this part is describing the same feeling of the man's couple)

The book of life is brief, And once the page is read
All but love is dead, This is my belief
(this part is all about the lessons from the man's journey)

And yes, I know how lonely life can be
The shadows follow me, and the night won't set me free
But I don't let the evening get me down, Now that you're around me
(this is repetition about how the man can struggle and survive till the end)

i can see clearly now, that GOD is definitely can speak with us.

to be continue...

day 4 is:

day 5 is:

day 6 is:

day 7 is:

the Conclusion is :