Saturday, March 19, 2011

a conversation between a baby, mother and GOD

19th of September 1980

Once upon a time, a baby is ready to be born into the world,

By revealed he asked the Lord.
"All The Angel's tell that tomorrow YOU are going to send to the world, is that true GOD ?  "

and the baby was said to the Lord : but how do I live there? I was so small and weak.
God replied: "I have chosen an angel for you, he will keep you and love you"

and baby asked again to God: "but in heaven what I do is sing and laugh, it's enough for me to be happy, "
God answered: "Your angel will sing and smile for you every day, and you will feel the warmth of his love, and be happier. "

The baby was asked again: "And what should I do, when I want to talk to you?"
Once again the Lord answered: "Your angel will teach you how to pray."

the baby was asked again: "What is prayer?"
God answered: "praying is a way to talk with ME, your angel will explain much more clearly the good ways to pray"

The baby was still not satisfied, he asked again: "I heard that on earth there are so many bad people, then who will protect me? "
With patience Lord answered back: "Your angel will protect you, with the stakes even soul."

The baby was still not satisfied and continued the question: "But I'll be sad not to see you again."
And God answered: "Your angel will tell you about ME, and will teach you how to get back to ME, though in fact it was I'm always by your side. "

At that moment heaven was so quiet, so the sound of the earth can be heard, and the child in a low voice asked, "Lord, if I must go now, can YOU tell who the name of the angel at my house later?"
God replied, "You can call angel. MOTHER! "

-dedicated for my guardian angel's, she's just an extraordinary  human. she is my  MOTHER.-

19th of September 1980 the baby was born.

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